We’re engaging the community to rewrite APD’s policies

The Austin Police Department’s policies are up for review and revision, presenting an ongoing opportunity for community input. Here’s what we plan to do.

Office of Police Oversight
3 min readApr 26, 2021

The City of Austin’s Office of Police Oversight (OPO) is seeking community input to rewrite the Austin Police Department’s (APD) General Orders. These policies direct most actions taken by Austin Police Department officers and cover everything from how to file reports to the use of force. APD regularly revises the General Orders.

Under Resolution 95 passed in June 2020, the Austin City Council directed OPO to assist in the process of rewriting the General Orders. We are kicking off this initiative by informing and consulting with the public on 6 proposed policies that reduce use-of-force incidents in policing.

Our values

At OPO, we challenge ourselves to continually improve how we put our core values into action. We’re bringing the same lens to our General Orders rewrite effort.

  • Accountability. We operate independently from and impartial to the Austin Police Department to promote earned trust between the Austin community and APD. By improving APD’s policies and practices together, we can build trust between APD and the community.
  • Transparency. We publish policing documents online. These documents include reports on policing trends, recommendations for changes to APD policies, official disciplinary documents, and complaints against Austin police officers. Learn more about official documents.
  • Inclusion. We are actively seeking the contribution and input from members of our diverse community. To reimagine community safety, we are committed to elevating voices that have been overlooked for too long. We cannot improve community safety without including the people most affected by these efforts.
  • Equity. We recognize that some communities are more adversely impacted by over policing than others. We want to reimagine community safety by finding ways to increase trust between the police and the Austin community.
  • Accessibility. We want to learn from people of all abilities, and continually find better ways to understand their perspectives on and experiences with policing in Austin. We also strive to meet accessibility standards on our website.
  • Language access. We are committed to providing information and services in English and Spanish, and are working to increase access in other languages. In addition, we provide language interpretation services for anyone who wants to submit a complaint against an Austin police officer and at our community engagement events.

We know efforts to improve community safety must be co-created with the community. Otherwise, they will fall short.

Who do we want to reach?

  1. Organizations dedicated to informing, collaborating, and empowering community members in Austin.
  2. The Austin community at large. We want to engage anyone interested in community and public safety and policing.
  3. Communities disproportionally affected by policing. Statistics and studies have revealed that some groups are more negatively impacted by policing than others. We are emphasizing:
  • Members of the LGBTQ+ community, with an emphasis on reaching transgender, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming members of the community
  • People experiencing homelessness
  • Black, Indigenous, and People of Color
  • People living in the Eastern Crescent, which historically has been home to Austin’s most marginalized population, and in the East and Southeast parts of Austin
  • Immigrant, refugee, and non-English speaking communities
  • People with disabilities

How do we plan to engage the community?

We plan to hold community engagement events throughout the year. Community members can comment on a variety of topics, starting with use of force policies, at several upcoming events.

OPO’s communications and community outreach teams collect feedback to improve our efforts. You can sign up to participate in future feedback efforts by completing this short questionnaire.

Do you have any suggestions for community engagement efforts? We’d love to hear from you. Write to us at opo.outreach@austintexas.gov.

What outcome are we hoping for?

The goal is to provide the community’s feedback on the policies that will keep them safe to APD’s Chief of Police, who is ultimately responsible for the General Orders. Over the last year, Austin residents have demanded change. This is an opportunity for APD leadership to listen to the people they serve and make changes so that everyone can equally feel safe in Austin.

Our desired outcome is for the Austin Police Department to not only hear but sincerely include the voices of our diverse and vibrant communities when creating and revising policies that directly impact them.

How can you get involved?

Learn more about making your voice heard and other ways to get involved in reimagining community safety in Austin.



Office of Police Oversight

The Office of Police Oversight is dedicated to improving the accountability and transparency of the Austin Police Department.